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03/08/2007 Town Meeting
March 8, 2007 Town Meeting
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2007

Call to Order
Mayor Mosley called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Cheverly Community Center.  There were 4 citizens in attendance.  

In attendance:  Mr. Warrington, Attorney Colaresi, Chief Robshaw, CMs Oslik, Watson, Ford, Oladele and Callahan.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Mosley moved the budget adjustment for the community center generator to the Worksession agenda and replaced it with a discussion on a budget adjustment for a scoreboard.

Minutes - Town Meeting – 2/8/07
Approved as written.
Minutes – Town Meeting – 12/14/06
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession – 2/22/07
Not available. Moved to Worksession
Town Administrators Report
Mr. Warrington reported that the Town is one signature shy of obtaining the temporary use occupancy permit for the police department.  Files and computer and telephone systems will be moved over the next few weeks and computer systems will be down for about a day.  Also, the telephone numbers will change.

Mulch orders will be taken soon.  

The budget is almost ready and should be ready for to be presented at the next Town Meeting.

Mr. Salo, Greenleaf Road complimented Public Works on snow removal.

CM Callahan asked for an update on Medical Terrace.  Mr. Warrington responded that the owner has secured the property and cleaned it up; however, he has yet to get electricity turned on at the sight to light the buildings.  

Mayor Mosley complimented PEPCO on the fact that there were so few outages this year.  

CM Watson thanked Mr. Warrington for ordering repair work by the Judith Hoyer Center.  HE asked for an update on the pathway lighting and a streetlight list.

Mr. Warrington responded that to date, PEPCO has not fixed any of the lights.  The Police Chief and Public Works Director have a copy of his list.    The same person who approves the pathway lights also approves repair of the out/on street lights.

CM Oslik stated that there is legislation currently being considered that would allow municipalities to purchase streetlights within their jurisdiction for market value.

Mr. Warrington responded that Bowie purchased lights in their jurisdiction in the amount of $30-35M.  Bowie is also responsible for the maintenance of these lights.

Mayor Mosley responded to CM Oslik that the Lydell Road property would be discussed at the Worksession.  

Mr. Warrington responded to CM Callahan that there has been dialogue with the Department of the Interior regarding the lot on Route 202 next door to the Palm Reader.  The political signs were removed by an unknown entity and hopefully; the remaining debris will be removed.  Interior fined Howard Johnson $500,000 for cutting underbrush in front of their sign, so very little action is allowed on Federal property without permission.

Police Department Report
Mayor Mosley relayed a compliment from an Oak Street resident who was happy about how things have quieted down.

Chief Robshaw gave the report for February (attached to original of minutes).  He added that a citizen complimented the Department on the online Look Out tool and asked why no new information has been provided.  Chief Robshaw responded that reasons for the lack of new information include: the Look Out information is too broad, involves juveniles or there is just no new Look Out.  The latter explanation being the reason for there not being new postings.

There has been an increase in auto thefts.  The Police Station Dedication is scheduled for March 24 from NOON – 2:00 PM.   The second Women’s Self Defense Class is on April 21 and there are 15 open slots.  The first meeting of the Camera Committee was held; however, pricing information is not yet available.

CM Watson asked whether there exists an exception in the Town’s Ordinance on loitering regarding religious and political organizations.  Chief Robshaw stated that he is still waiting to hear back from the State’s Attorney’s office on this topic.

Chief Robshaw responded to Mayor Mosley that communications with the States Attorney regarding the Howard Johnsons is on track.

Mayor and Council Announcements
Mayor Mosley announced that the Open House for the Police Department is March 24 at NOON.  The Cheverly Day dance is the night before Cheverly Day.   

Worksession Agenda: 63rd Avenue and vicinity traffic controls; budget; tax incentive financing (TIF) for the Point at Cheverly; the Verizon cable franchise agreement, telecommunication participation for Worksessions; reimbursement policy for travel and expenses, possible land acquisition, budget adjustment for community center generator, FY 08 budget.

CM Watson added that he would like to discuss a Mayor and Council and possibly Staff planning retreat.  This would be an item for the new Mayor and Council to decide upon.

He announced that he would like to put together a working group to examine wireless internet service for Cheverly.

CM Callahan stated that he met with the executive committee of the Boy’s and Girls Club and learned that the Weed and Seed after school programs have been established through the Department of Justice.  He added that he would like Shelly Wood to present this item to the Council.

Committee Reports

Recreation Council
Barbara Pejokovich announced that the next meeting will be held on March 27 at 7:00 PM in the Community Center.  The Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 7 and will begin at 11:00 AM.  The Women’s Club will provide lunch.   High School students needing community service hours should arrive at 9:30 AM to help with the Hunt.   On March 1, she will begin taking table reservations for the April 14 Flea Market. Proceeds go toward the Scholarship Fund.  More information will be provided on cable and in the Newsletter.  Tables are still available at $15 each.

Cheverly Day
Nick D’Angelo announced the pre-Cheverly Day Dance on May 18.  This year’s theme will highlight Cheverly’s trees.  Dave Rapp has organized the Cicada Crunch Race.  There will be two stages featuring many different bands.  Other activities include a tennis tournament and a whiffle ball tournament. There is still time to get ads in to the magazine.

Citizen Input
Mayor Mosley summarized that the owners of 4876 Lydel Road had cleared the lot and been storing unsightly items.  The Town and the County have issued Stop Work Orders.  This property is zoned industrial and if they adhere to all permits it is their right to clear and build.  Cheverly took them to court and the judge ruled in the Town’s favor; however, the fine was minimal.

Attorney Colaresi added that the judge ordered the owners to get rid of the storage items fined them $2500.  He recommends that the Town vigorously enforce the buffer zones and become a part of all proceedings.

Sheila Salo, 5607 Greenleaf Road added that MNCPPC requires landowners to file a tree conservation and sedimentation plan.  Field inspections are not conducted.  In this case, DER is not documented as conducting a field inspection although it was assigned.  

Mayor Mosley directed the Town Administrator to follow up with the inspector?

Dan Smith, 6019 Inwood Street, Co-Chair, Friends of Lower Beaver Dam, announced that on March 31, they will be preparing beds for butterfly gardens and native plantings at trail entrances at Woodworth Park.  They will also be removing the English Ivy and other invasive plants.

On March 24, a Citizen Summit on the Anacostia will be held at the University of Maryland.  There are a few slots available for interested residents.  

The Earth Conservation Core will hold an event on March 15 at around 8:30 AM at lower Beaver Dam.  275 students from Minnesota will be cleaning at three sites.     He asked the Mayor to prepare a letter of appreciation to the students.

Dan Smith commented that the Town is behind the curve on conservation.  He requested that Mayor and Council potentials develop an environmental position.  Friends of Lower Beaver Dam propose a new paid position be created and a proposed title would be Deputy Town Administrator for the Environment.  Would work within Town and act as agency liaison.    Grants could be obtained to fund environmental projects.

Matt Salo, 5607 Greenleaf Road, asked why residents were not informed of the Lydel Road issue before the trees were removed.  Trees impact the environment locally and globally; further, wildlife in this area was negatively impacted when the trees were cleared.  Air and water quality will also be affected by the tree removal.

Sheila Salo, 5607 Greenleaf Road, stated that there exists a need for a comprehensive environmental strategy and policy for Cheverly to include land purchases around the buffer of Tributary 1.   

Matt Salo, Greenleaf Road stated that green space is not just any space – it has to be part of a natural system.  He cautioned the Mayor and Council and recommended purchasing areas adjacent to existing green spaces.

Robert Madison, 6509 Maureen Court thanked the Mayor and Council for getting the vehicles off of Kilmer and Oak Streets.  He asked that the Town investigate a growing pothole on Oak Street.  Also, the stream behind his home is littered with tires, etc.

Mayor Mosley directed Mr. Warrington to contact Mr. Madison regarding the trash in the stream.

CM Oslik commented on the recommendations for how to address Lydell Road.   At the core is the broader environmental issue and individual property rights.  A successful outcome will require creative ideas.  In order to add a new item to the budget either another item must be removed from the budget or taxes must be raised.

Lela Riazi, 3406 Belleview Avenue supported the requirement to get permission to remove trees meeting certain criterion.  She supports green space borders for Cheverly.

Mayor Mosley commented that prior to her career on the Council; the previous Council passed a tree ordinance that was subsequently rescinded.  All private property references were removed except for mention of undeveloped lots.  The Town recently issued a plea to revitalize the Tree Commission and so far, there have been no responses.

Matt Salo commented that he does not object to what owners do on private property except when it affects the good of the Town.  He recommended the establishment of an environmental advisory agent or committee.

Vice Mayor Ford stated that there are laws addressing trees on private property that give owners the right to trim or cut down trees without notification.  He outlined grading and clearing permits by matter of right.

Lela Riazi asked the Mayor and Council to check to see whether a tree conservation or sedimentation plan was ever filed to see whether there has been a violation.

She reported that 3402 Belleview Avenue has been abandoned.  A motorcycle and appliances are being stored outside.

3302 Belleview Avenue has been empty for a number of years and has a lot of tree limbs on it.

Sheila Salo asked Mr. Colaresi whether the principle of Beaver Dam should partner with Park and Planning as a party of record to receive notices.  Mr. Warrington responded that the way a party of record works is that the Town is notified of all deviations from normal land use.  If something is being done within the legal confines of use no notification is required.

Resolution R-4-07 Town’s Intentions Regarding a T.I.F. (Tax Incentive Financing)
Attorney Colaresi summarized that this item addresses an underground parking facility for The Point at Cheverly.  The developer must appeal to the Government for parking garage financing in the amount of $15M.  The County will issue bonds in the amount of $15M and will commit to any increase in real property tax as a result of the development is pledged to repay the bonds??   Because it is TIF, the Town must participate and pledge up to its property tax (future increases) it gets to repay the bond.   If this financing is not approved the developer will leave the project.  The County is supportive; however, Cheverly must support it as well.  

The Resolution expresses the Town’s interest in exploring the TIF.  The Town must commit to turn over tax increment amount to pay the bond.  

Mayor Mosley added that this item must be acted on fairly soon.

CM Watson expressed his support of the Resolution and asked whether copies of the Resolution had been provided to the public.  Mayor Mosley replied that it was available at the Town Meeting and in the back table and will be available at the Town office.  An explanation will be provided on the website.

CM Callahan added that the developer has discussed making sales in the spring and fall.  There have been many discussions on financing, in particular the developers profit, what would be in escrow for any amount of money that would come in above what is paid for debt service.

CM Oslik stated his support of the Resolution; however, language could be sharper on issues such as why the Town is doing supporting this.  There is no language indicating that the Town believes that some public financing is required versus other financing options.  Also, this enactment of the TIF would not jeopardize the Town’s future financial standing.

·       CM Callahan moved to introduce and adopt Resolution R-4-07, Town’s Intentions Regarding a T.I.F.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved (CM Schacther absent).

Discussion – Gazebo in Legion Park
Mayor Mosley summarized in CM Schachter's absence his proposal to have a gazebo at Legion Park for community gatherings.  He suggests soliciting donations to build.

Mayor Mosley summarized that CM Callahan and Mr. Warrington have been working with the Boys and Girls Club on this item.

Mr. Warrington summarized that the existing scoreboard cannot be repaired.  The repairperson referred him to a scoreboard store that has one in stock that the Town can use.  There would be no freight charges and the Town is on the delivery route.  He is recommending replacement of the scoreboard.  If it is not replaced now, he recommends budgeting to replace it in the future.    The cost of the board is $4500 and installation is $500.  Freight to ship the board outside of this arrangement would cost $500 - $800.

Discussion regarding budget.

·       CM Watson moved to make a budget adjustment in the amount of $4900 plus installation costs for the purposes of acquiring and installing a new scoreboard in the gymnasium.  Seconded by CM Ford.  Unanimously approved. (CM Schachter absent)

Meeting adjourned 10.20 PM.

Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
March 8, 2007

1.      CM Callahan moved to introduce and adopt Resolution R-4-07, Town’s Intentions Regarding a T.I.F.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved (CM Schachter absent).

2.      CM Watson moved to make a budget adjustment in the amount of $4900 plus installation costs for the purposes of acquiring and installing a new scoreboard in the gymnasium.  Seconded by CM Ford.  Unanimously approved. (CM Schachter absent)

Mary Jane Ulrich,  Town Clerk
Town of Cheverly
6401 Forest Road, Cheverly, MD 20785